Wednesday, June 15, 2011

email addresses containing my hobby.

I just changed (updated, if you will...which you won't, once you read...) my email address. I wanted gmail. Kind of? I liked yahoo but my emails were frequently sent to people's spam folder. Not cool, or professional, so I changed it. My first name dot my last name was taken (BY WHOM?! Who are you?! Maybe I'll email this person), so I tried, unsuccessfully, to think of a better name.
In 7th grade, my email was
Now it's alivia(dot)dance(@) I mean, it's not that bad, right? I teach it's...professional.

I'm going to drown myself in Lucky Charms and Sour Patch Kids.

1 comment:

  1. i liiiiike it- but I also like liketoridehorses. Am I way too old to like that? :)
